Tic Tac Toe

Demo by Playful Python.

One really nice way to learn programming is by writing small games. Unfortunately, python has not had a nice way to do UI, you always needed to use pygame or some other library.

This page shows a demo of tic tac toe running in the browser using python. All the game logic is in python.

View source to see the source of this game.

This game does not require any backend server to run. (It does need internet access to download the pyscript.js file though). Save this page to your computer and double click it to run it locally.


######################################### # UI STUFF ######################################### class Message: def __set__(self, obj, value): Element("message").write(value) class Positions: def __get__(self, obj, objtype): return self.values def __set__(self, obj, values): self.values = values for i, value in enumerate(values, start=1): Element(f"pos-{i}-x").add_class("hidden") Element(f"pos-{i}-o").add_class("hidden") Element(f"pos-{i}-none").add_class("hidden") if value == 0: Element(f"pos-{i}-x").remove_class("hidden") elif value == 1: Element(f"pos-{i}-o").remove_class("hidden") else: Element(f"pos-{i}-none").remove_class("hidden") class Loaded: def __set__(self, obj, value): if value: Element("tictactoe").remove_class("hidden") else: Element("ticatactoe").add_class("hidden") def reset(e): game.start() def turn(n): game.play_turn(n) ######################################### # TICTACTOE GAME ######################################### class TicTacToe: message = Message() positions = Positions() loaded = Loaded() def start(self): self.message = "X Turn" self.player = 0 self.loaded = True self.positions = (None, ) * 9 self.game_running = True def play_turn(self, position): if not self.game_running: return index = position - 1 if self.positions[index] != None: self.message = "Invalid position" return new_positions = self.positions[:index] + (self.player,) + self.positions[index+1:] self.positions = new_positions if not self.check_winner(): self.next_player() def next_player(self): player_messages = ["X Turn", "O Turn"] self.player = (self.player + 1) % 2 self.message = player_messages[self.player] def check_winner(self): win_patterns = [(0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5), (6, 7, 8), (0, 3, 6), (1, 4, 7), (2, 5, 8), (0, 4, 8), (2, 4, 6)] win_messages = ["X Wins", "O Wins"] for first, second, third in win_patterns: if self.positions[first] == self.positions[second] == self.positions[third] == self.player: self.message = win_messages[self.player] self.game_running = False return True if self.check_draw(): self.message = "Draw" self.game_running = False return True return False def check_draw(self): for val in self.positions: if val == None: return False return True game = TicTacToe() game.start()